WPC: Simple twists of May 2017

In a simple twist of fate, the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge is coming to an end. The last theme will be posted this Wednesday.

In another, I felt an emptiness inside to which I just could not relate. Not only have I been an (almost) weekly participant for the last three years and will miss this simple act of obedience (which I sorely lack in my life, obviously), but I have also just lost my front tooth to chicken. (It was wobbly for a while so it was not painful.)

I don’t know how old you are and how good your gums are but if it hasn’t happened yet, praise the whatever deity tickles your fancy and buy it a round, while I carve something provisional out of turnip or print it out on my 3D printer (nah) until I reach Slovenia and have it fixed. One long month!

In the photos, a collection of twists and turns of proverbial fortune, all taken last May. After my last two WPC posts – “Unlikely” with one day in May and “Place in the World” with one week – this is the third post with solely photos from May 2017 for my 2017 Calendar. You can find the rest of the months here.

And here is a song that rolled out by itself considering the circumstances. I’ve always loved how she turns it midway into a Bob bop. 😀

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: Twisted

20 thoughts on “WPC: Simple twists of May 2017

  1. Sorry to hear about your tooth. A month?!! Is there a reason why you prefer to go to Slovenia rather than see a dentist in Italy?

    A lot of bloggers are going to be a bit lost when the daily and weekly prompts stop. Have you given any thought to what you might do next?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Joanne, a reason? You mean a million reasons? 😉 I’ve seen them patch the roads… If I can help it, and I can for now, I much prefer to do it in Slovenia. The reason why I can’t go there earlier is rather mundane: Pearl Jam concert coming up in Rome!! I have considered wearing a burka… (No offence. I was serious!) Other than that, no visitors and no visits. Here in the country among the poppies nobody is looking me in the teeth.

      What I might do next? Oh, I have so many photos that I can do without any challenges (other than Thursday Doors) for a long time. I appreciated the kick in the butt that WPC provided, though. I always do. Thank you!


  2. Lots of good twists… love the dog’s tail. Such a happy twist. Thanks for the Baez song too – I haven’t heard it in awhile. She lives not far from me.

    Sorry about the tooth

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely series of photos for the Challenge, Mexi! and thank you for sharing your month through this collage. Love the fountain captures (I have a very soft spot for fountains!). My favourite is the twirling pasta bowl!

    And thank you for the headsup about Daily Post – I, too, feel a sense of loss. It was through DP that I started to connect with the WP community; they will be very much missed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oy. Sorry about your tooth! I’m wishing it be patient!

    Bestia steals the show, as always, with that upturned snoot! And it’s a hard show to steal! 🙂 Gorgeous stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your tooth! My son broke half his front tooth off while diving when he was a boy. It was a couple of weeks before we could it fixed. Our dentist was booked and we couldn’t in there sooner. It’s a composite affair and if not monitored will fall off without notice. The material breaks down over time and use it seems. Regular check ups help to keep an eye on it.

    I hope you won’t have such problems with your new tooth!

    The images are wonderful as always. I like those spigots with the carved faces. I rarely see that here.

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