Thursday Doors, 12/7/18: Ansedonia

Let’s forget about Slovenia for a moment and return to my Costa d’Argento (Silver Coast) in the south of Tuscany. Cosa might mean What? in Italian but it’s also an ancient historic site and that’s where I was headed a month ago on an open-door day. How convenient.

This post, another in which doors are more part of the scenery than main stars, has three parts: a statue shop, a villa-flanked road and a historic site, all in the community of Ansedonia at the end of our 12 km sandy beach. (Yeah, such hard life.)

When I learned that there was an open-door day at the archaeological site Cosa about 15 minutes away, I recalled how long we needed to find it with my parents after father wished to visit an Etruscan museum. When we finally did, we didn’t enter the museum (it may have been closed) but strolled among the olive trees and encountered a huge partially torn down wall with a great view and not much else.

On the said open-door Sunday I was ready to revisit and report to father what Etruscans were up to. He is a fan.

For some reason I expected crowded parking (as if it was a shopping centre!), that’s why I parked early next to a statue shop. It might have been the only shop in the community of Ansedonia which is no town to speak of. Or, of course, it could be a private residence with simply plenty of statues.

After following the sign to the museum on foot for half an hour in the scorching sun without any water among the villas with a marvellous view, I contemplated capitalism. Those villas, each with a neat little private parking space or two, made me realise that it might not be all that bad (tongue-in-cheek).

After that I realised that I’d been walking for too long. I returned to the car and took it with me. Smart move, that would be some walking. And plenty of space to park was available too.

Once inside the museum grounds, I had a great privilege of a private guided tour by not one but two American archaeologists excavating on the site every summer since 2014. I would love to repeat their words here but I don’t like to tell lies.

How clueless I am became clear immediately when I asked to learn more about the Etruscans here. The girls looked at each other and one said: “This was a Roman, not an Etruscan city. This is where they fought the Etruscans from.” Nuff said…

For all who wish to know more about the no-doubt fascinating history of the ancient Roman city of Cosa, here is one link in English and here is another. And another. (You can see how well I wish my readers: I do my best to equip you with all sorts of information, so that it’s only on you if you don’t educate yourselves since you’re as lazy as I am.) 😉

And now to the doors and statues and gates and villas and scenes from the fascinating little non-Etruscan museum.

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge.

34 thoughts on “Thursday Doors, 12/7/18: Ansedonia

  1. I know this post is dedicated to doors, and you have an eclectic collection here, but my eyes were especially drawn to the sea view in those gate photos🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, J.D., not a problem. It’s just Thursday. I like it when people’s eyes are drawn to my photos for a myriad of reasons. And on my blog sea views are never far from you.


  2. Can see myself reply, to someone asking me, “Where do you live?” Only to answer, “What?”
    Love the little arced door – everything is so painterly! The white stature I love most:) And yes, I can see you discovering the guides’ office! Cannot keep a secret from you, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your honesty, M. My favourite door is in photo 6 – the one that looks like it leads to a dungeon. It’s probably where the evil king of Ansedonia threw his enemies and his out-of-favour girlfriends.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hihi, thanks, Susanne, I try. 😀 That door is for sure significant in some way and ominously ajar. If you are right, the only thing to determine is whether he was a Roman or an Etruscan.


  4. At first you had me wondering what the Etruscans were doing so far north 😉
    Seriously though this was no doubt a fascinating and very educational visit. So cool that you got some expert onsite info too. The art, architecture and everything else about the ancient Romans just draws me in.
    Wonderful post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Norm, I was lucky indeed. There were quite many other, Italian-speaking visitors but they had their own guide, while I was the only English speaker and got two. As for Etruscans, we are surrounded by them so my mistake was not so weird. I could have mentioned in the post that since my dad and I visited two Etruscan metropolises: Vulci 15 min to the south (there is a huge archaeological park there but we only visited a small indoor museum) and Vetulonia an hour to the northwest. You know, to help you plan. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jolene! Well, since I’m on the coast, Croatia is very close and yet there is no special joy in the air. I expected more fireworks after the last victory. Slovenians are quite happy for our neighbours, I believe, even though generally there is not much love lost between the two nations. Even I watched the semifinals and was quite in awe. Better team won. Hope you’re enjoying it too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes I enjoyed it this year, a few upsets I must say. I live in a part of Sydney known as Little Korea all my neighbours were Korean. Needless to say they were ecstatic when they won over Germany 😂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Deborah, very kind of you. 🙂 If you did what you intended you might have been the only one, since my stats show that the three links have been opened exactly one time each. 😀 Still, it was worth it to include them for you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I KNOW!!! I cannot wait till Sunday morning (here it is a 1000 game) when we will bring out the Aperol spritzes and radlers and my lucky #10 jersey. Fingers crossed and I will be thinking of you and all the wonderful Croatian fans!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Having a private guided tour is great! … getting a good parking spot is the best 🙂

    All that stone work gives a sense of permanence that I associate with Italy. Sigh. Your photos always make me sigh that I’m not there too. My favourite is the elf door. It suggests a mystery beyond it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love these! The light on the glass door is really good. It’s so inviting. Green gate over the water view, too. Of course, the elf door takes the cake.

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