Day 16 & WPC: A sonnet to April awakening

Today’s special: A combination of images of awakening nature for WPC and a sonnet to play around with meter and rhyme.

Challenge 16: “Write a poem that prominently features the idea of play.” A sonnet, Slovenian-style. Meter: U-U-U-U-U-U, rhyme: abba-baab-cdc-dcd. My definition of the ultimate poetry play.

April Awakening

Today I wish to tell you a true story
of how a poem properly is written.
Not only nature’s wonders truly fit in
but it’s the holiest of all things holy:

A sonnet! As they do it in Great Britain
yet not: behold! This form looks foreign wholly,
befitting more some other nations’ glory.
The bel paese bards were with it smitten.

Be as it may. It’s here to sing the beauty
of these here lands by April each awoken
and burning up by June so come on, tutti:

Until all verdant shades of green get broken
by sun and heat, it is our cosmic duty
to go and feast our eyes and hearts unspoken.


Here are verdant shades of green then, all from last April, since this year I haven’t been anywhere much yet. The featured photo is not via Windows but from Crete Senesi, a dreamlike area south of Siena. By June it will all turn to brown and remain so until November. Now it’s the time to go out, I keep telling myself. And then I stay in and write sonnets.

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: Awakening

33 thoughts on “Day 16 & WPC: A sonnet to April awakening

    1. Thanks, Susanne. 😀 Slovenian greatest poet was known for this type of sonnets and they were drilled into us in school so much that I still know a few by heart. And the melody that goes with the meter has stuck.


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