Pic and a Word #159: Rugged life

In words: a cheeky view of my current life. In images: a look back at how we stormed the Alps this August in search of the blue chapel.

Rugged life

My life is so rugged right now.
These 30 degrees C
are ruining my winter prep.
Iā€™m used to snow in November!
Instead I run around home
wearing less than in summers
because the heat is on
to beat the humidity
and stop mould from forming.
That part will still come.
We are in the jungle
without the jungle.
Africa is coming north
and weā€™ll be forced to run
to the rugged mountains
of my Slovenia
where cheese is made
and blue chapels stand
with rugged fee collectors
who laugh in your flushed face:
ā€œHow do you mean
you canā€™t pay
since you left your money in the car?
Do you think it will still be there
when you descend?ā€
I half expect him to call a friend
and drop word of a car full of money
waiting below to be relieved.
But itā€™s not that.
Ainā€™t nobody making
a rugged Roman
pay for walking
and hearing about dead people.
So he doesnā€™t get to see
the inside of the chapel.
Hint: itā€™s blue.

The destination: Memorial Church of the Holy Spirit at Javorca above Tolmin in NW Slovenia, built 100 years ago by Austro-Hungarian soldiers in memory of their fallen brothers, designed byĀ Remigius Geyling.

How to reach: Drive for 30 min on a rather airy marked road from Tolmin towards Zatolmin, hold mother’s hand, park (and don’t leave belongings), and walk for 30 min up a steep but smooth path. Or take the tourist bus on weekends (even though I can’t imagine a bus making that road). Then, pay 4 Eur to enter. It’s worth it.

As for the interior, I’ll show it in another post one day.

In response to Patrick Jenningsā€™Ā Pic and a Word Challenge #159: Rugged

29 thoughts on “Pic and a Word #159: Rugged life

        1. Ohh, right, she was the first up, yes. In fact, we call him bestia but his real name is Fonzie (after that character in Happy Days which I don’t remember watching on any ex-Yugoslav channels).

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  1. I love the mountains and your photos illustrate why. They take my breath away both figuratively and -when climbing – literally šŸ™‚

    The line in your poem about having to have the heat on to beat the humidity caught my attention. Seriously? Your rooms must feel like ovens!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe, Joanne, that’s what they do, well said. Not often enough in my life recently. As for the home climate, let’s just say we keep removing articles of clothing, which is not a bad thing in itself. šŸ˜€

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  2. It is gorgeous up there!! So sad you left your car packed with money at the bottom of the hill. Your poem made me laugh. šŸ™‚ My favourite parts of this post, other than the stunning views from the top, are the parents singing and the dog asking if Bestia can come out and play.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Crystal, it wasn’t exactly how it happened. Our car was packed with stuff, that’s true, but we had our money with us, I was just reluctant to pay without any notice below, before the climb, that payment is required. It was more a matter of principle. šŸ˜€ Thank you, it was lovely and worth it.

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