Pic and a Word Challenge #167: Ruckus in the still of the morning

The photo above is exactly as it was taken, in the name of all that doesn’t need any changes. The gallery below has more of such creatures, some more surprising than others.

But first, a poem of how it used to be three days ago in Rome.

Ruckus in the still of the morning

Holiday morning.
As still as Italy gets.




They might look
and still up there

but imagine the ruckus
they made
that made me look up
in the first place.

Before we look at the photo evidence, I wish to thank Patrick for his challenge prompts that have provided a much needed spur into motion, or if you prefer, kick in the butt. See you next year on my new blog, Patrick and everybody!

In response to Patrick Jennings’ Pic and a Word Challenge #167: Stillness

19 thoughts on “Pic and a Word Challenge #167: Ruckus in the still of the morning

    1. Thanks, Emma. There were three, actually. You can see them all in a couple of photos. But they are far from the only ones. Roman parks are famous for them. Obviously they have multiplied from the first couple that escaped or was set free. (I heard a story that a man had many birds in cages but one day just released them all.)

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  1. <smile> While visiting Sydney, Australia, I was surprised to discover that cockatiels there were considered every bit the neighbourhood pests as blue jays in North America. Though, to be sure, blue jays are nowhere near as raucously noisy as cockatiels.

    See you on the new blog in the New Year! ❤ ❤

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    1. Ahh, blue jays are a pest? Over here I try to catch one with my camera but they are fast. Also, I’m not sure if they are blue jays or just jays. Obviously they are tough and survivors. Sounds just screaming to be called pests. 😉 Thanks, Patrick, I’ll greet New Year for you when I see it. See you there!

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        1. And we just tasted father’s limoncello and it’s STRONG. He and mother are not here though. Your now sound dreamy. Cin cin at midnight! Tonight you can have a little something. 🙂

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