March 2017

Before we sink too deep into March, here is last year’s in proverbial twelve pictures for my Calendar 2017 in the making.

It was not spent far away from home, just as February wasn’t. (Whereas January was all over the place.) But I don’t need to go far to be enveloped by nature waking up to spring.

There was much staring in the distance, just as last night when I was watching the entire Oscars for some reason, only to find out the best reason to stick around till the end: Eddie Vedder was to perform last.

At first I read this wrong: as if Meryl is looking at Eddie on the stage this way. 🙂 Then I spotted him behind her.

He did a Tom Petty song no less, to accompany images of those who died last year.

Oh, if someone told me when I was 21 that this was what history held, such an event counting on him to stir emotions where before there were few, I’d kick them in the shins with my Doc Martens. Alas, as another tweet says:

And yet, if at least half of the people who watched yesterday are listening to Pearl Jam today, the world is suddenly a much better place. And I will be doing just that in June, in Rome, live.

But this was last March, Tom was still alive, as were Chris and some other people, beasties and plants were waking up and it was glorious to be alive as most usually is.

22 thoughts on “March 2017

    1. Oh yes, yes, RayNot, we are going, tickets bought yet. 😉 The Oscars were borderline boring, mostly because I haven’t seen many movies that were competing. I didn’t like how most of them stuck to the script and read like robots. I liked Frances McDormand though. ❤ I also don't like the duality that exists in Hollywood now. You cannot like films based on your race. :p

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Can not like films based on ur race? Really? 🤨😶 I have to check the Oscar-news lol I’m just so off this year 😂
        About concert – it will be a great adventure and fun! I have to plan the concert (summer-autumn) too 😍 now 😂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Haha nope…rock concert (I’m sure I’ll find something I like) :))
          I already did once a turne: Rome, Wien, Amsterdam, London – rock concerts :)) it was in 2013 I think.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. That’s a great tweet about Eddie Vedder bein a grown-up! I still listen to Pearl Jam, thank you 🙂
    This featured photo is fabulous. I really love your B&W to color dealio.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Joey, I didn’t doubt that you do. As for growing up – we shall see. 😀 I love this burst of colour too and I don’t think I’ve seen it on any other blog. Even though it’s all Edda’s theme doing, I merely found it! I think I liked its name already. 😀 Mrs. Vedder, hahah.


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